falling softly

an Oregon girl in Copenhagen reflecting on: loving my guy and baby girl; faith, politics and turning frustration into humble activism

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

dentist visit...

So now I've created a blog - kinda fun. I've wanted to for awhile, just never got around to it. But thanks to other enterprising people I no longer have to let my embarrassing lack of webpage know-how keep me back.

I've just laid my nearly 3-month old daughter down for a nap (and can now hear she's not so convinced she should keep sleeping), before our walk through town to visit the dentist this afternoon. Always feel a bit sheepish at the dentist, when we go through our usual routine of them reminding me that it's best to floss, and me giving a very penitent look about it (which I really feel at the time!). And now there's extra fun involved, where I try to figure out which Danish dental words mean things like cavities, fluoride, "next time we'll drill a hole" and so forth. Naw, it's not so bad, really - if I could get through giving birth to a child without breaking into English, I can do a dentist visit!


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